
Mandy Tafler (Paris Marathon)
John T (technical session to learn sprint drills)
Sarah N (V50 Master Athlete - 100m 200m)
Mandy Tafler (London Marathon)
Jacqueline Heap (Marathon)
Mike Abrahams (V60 Master Athlete - 400m, 800m, 1500m)
Warren Peek (Marathon)
Jamie Giles (Marathon)
Sarah Cheetham (Marathon)
Henry Simpson (Marathon)
Lian Lockert (Marathon)
Bob Ward (Marathon)
Lizzy Cadbury (Marathon)
Natalie Paul (Runner)
Matt Segal (Marathon)
Lisa Pettit (V40 Master Athlete - cross country, 5k - 1/2 marathon)
Darren McNeely (Senior - Marathon)
Richard Browne (V40 Master Athlete - 10K-Marathon)
James Woolfendon (Triathlete - Age 30 to 35 category)


What can I say about Nina Anderson?! I have trained with Nina on two Marathons. Having never been a runner I found Nina as she was local to me. I made it to the start line and finish line of London 2022, purely because of the detailed and dedicated training that Nina provides. I decided to run my second Marathon in Paris 2024. Of course i went back, I needed some focus and help and there was only 1 person who can give me that, Nina was amazing again, and the attention to detail she puts into her clients is both personal and encouraging.

Nina is there for you every step of the way and removes the worry and thinking from the tough training you need to get to a stage of believing you can run 26.2 miles. If you’re looking for a trainer who knows her stuff then look no further. With Nina’s guidance and no nonsense approach I ran my second marathon with more focus and a much better time!

Her training is specifically designed for each person and no question you have is unanswered. I highly recommend Nina and although you might be thinking differently on that long training run(!), when you get to the start line you know why you listened and followed her advice and even more so when you get that medal.


Nina was brilliant! I've been running casually for years doing 10km, triathlons, and went to see her as am now training for a marathon. I've watched all the YouTube clips and what Nina taught me puts all that stuff to shame. She taught me what Olympic Athletes do and it was eye opening.

She doesn't mention it in her ad, but her partner coaches Olympic Gold Medal athletes, and she has all that knowledge. She is certificated, has years of experience, very passionate about running and has a great in-depth understanding of it all. She's an accomplished runner, who's been trained by Olympic Coaches, so you're getting an amazing source of knowledge.

She's also just a really nice person who contacted me after the sessions, with helpful information, tips, videos, and introduced me to a Physio to resolve an old injury.

So yes, I highly recommend Nina :)


I have been working with Nina since 2017 after a chance meeting at Parliament Hill athletics track. She has taken me on a journey from shuffler to sprinter, and I now compete as a masters athlete. Nina's programme is tailored to build on weaknesses and embed and maximise skills and strengths. Nina is tuned in to the niggles and injuries that can affect (particularly older) runners and teaches techniques to help prevent injuries in the first place. Full engagement in Nina's S&C programme as well as the running is essential to make the most gains, and the prompt feedback and help that she always gives is excellent.


I decided to run the London 2022 Marathon in October 2021. At the age of 49 I wanted to do it properly and safely, so I decided to find a trainer to help me do this. I came across Nina as a local trainer which suited me, and liked what I read. I was looking for someone who would help with a schedule that I could follow. Starting In January 2022, taking me up to the Marathon, Nina put together a weekly plan, which helped me to gradually work up to long distance running. I was practically a non-runner, only having done runs few and far between, fairly fit, and had done the Couch to 5k, and a fitness programme before training with Nina, but in no way Marathon ready! My time with Nina and following her programme was very beneficial for me and definitely helped with accountability. I realised that the only person I should be listening to is her. Nina knows what she is doing and it pays to listen to someone who does, I followed her plan religiously and enjoyed the journey, getting to know Nina, and vice versa. If you are looking for someone to help you with your running goal, I would highly recommend Nina, it's worth doing things properly, to get the end result. When it got to Marathon day I was in a good space, and I had the best experience of my life. I had the confidence to do something like that, which I never thought possible, with the help of a good trainer and guidance; I could not have done this on my own. Thanks to Nina, her advice and knowledge I was able to achieve this fantastic goal.


Having secured a place in London Marathon 2022 after much research I was very lucky to find Nina Anderson. Nina explained the training plan and strength training she put in place. She is firm, encouraging and precise. Unfortunately I had a few injuries while training and this is when Nina is at her best. She would always look at the context as to how the injury happened and then would refer you to the appropriate treatment. I would be in constant communication, showing my run distance and times, pre runs physio and after run stretching. My training plan changed 8 weeks before the marathon due to another injury however Nina was great at changing the plan at the last minute and keeping me mentally focused and fit enough to get to the starting line.



They say there are three things that affect your performance. Talent, nutrition and training. In the talent department - I’d give myself 3/10. There's nothing you can do about it.
Nina introduced me to a dietician and that made a significant difference. But it's training that made the biggest improvement. And this is where Nina is a star. Just the right balance of hard work, rest, encouragement, empathy, persuasion and friendship. Sometimes it's even fun. She helped me realise my mad dream of running 1500m for GB in the World Masters Championships in Italy - having never run on a track in my life before. Crossing the line having smashed my personal best - finishing 45/60 has to be one of the proudest moments of my life. I was running against guys who had been to the Olympics and world championships, real world class athletes. And since then I’ve run PBs in 5M, 5K, 3K 800m and 400m.

If you want a running coach, I'd recommend Nina. If you don't want a running coach, I'd still recommend Nina!


I worked with Nina after a recommendation from Six Physio. In February 2017 I was suffering with an ITB injury when I started being coached by her with my goal being the London Marathon that year (April). Nina tailored a bespoke plan to suit me whilst I couldn't run which involved lots of rowing and cross training to increase my aerobic fitness. Once I was getting on top of the root cause of my injury, she worked closely with me, to get me running again pain free and increase my mileage safely to the point where I was ready for the Marathon. Nina has a wealth of invaluable knowledge from diet, race fuelling, managing injury and if she was ever in doubt of anything, she would work closely and quickly with my physio and her extended network to get the best outcome for me. It is no exaggeration to say that I wouldn't have completed the marathon if it wasn't for Nina's help and support throughout!


I was referred to Nina by Rowan at Six Physio after suffering an injury to my foot six weeks before my first Marathon that meant I could not run for at least four weeks. Panic stricken as I was she quickly and calmly put together a program of exercise that meant I could keep my aerobic fitness up and complete the Marathon safely and in good working order. She was patient (I am not a gym user and she talked me through the whole process- from joining a gym to setting each machine), responsive (never far from contact) and most importantly really cared not only about what I wanted to achieve but also my long-term health. I have her to thank for being able to complete a massive athletic goal, and look forward to working with her in future in improving my overall condition and running ability.


I would not have finished the London Marathon 2017 without the fantastic coaching from Nina. She knew exactly how to overcome my shin injury by her in-depth knowledge of all things associated with running. She was always the other end of the phone whenever I needed her. I have a lot to thank her for! I would definitely recommend Nina to all my fellow runners.


Just to say a huge thank you for getting me from a bit of a physical wreck when Six Physio referred me to you, to crossing the finish line at the London Marathon 2016 in under 4 hours - how did you do it? Your firm but friendly guidance through the 3 months of training was invaluable and fear of having to explain to you why I had a missed a session was a big motivator not to! Your advice has changed my diet, my exercise routine and my expectations of what I can achieve - onwards to the London Ultra Duathlon!


I signed up to run the 2015 New York Marathon, which I believed would be easily attainable given I have been running for a number of years and have completed 3 half marathons in the last year. I was in no way prepared for the step up in mileage and training required or for the plethora of injuries that I would be plagued with. After suffering from many months of on and off shin splints/borderline stress fractures, resulting in pain every time I ran, I thought the marathon dream was to be out the window. Then Nina was recommended to me through a friend of a friend. She introduced me to and worked closely with Carla Lodewijks at Six Physio to nurse me through the next 8 weeks and get me fit and ready to run my first marathon. This was no mean feat given that I had to travel considerably during that time period, including Spain, Scotland, Canada and the US - so Nina had to be super flexible and adaptable throughout the plan to take into account limited facilities, travel days, busy schedules and jet lag. However, a combination of Nina's attention to detail, daily messages of encouragement and occasional tough love, together with Carla's miracle healing hands, resulted in a successful marathon finish in 4.28 . They both went above and beyond the call of duty, liaising with each other regularly to ensure they were on the same page and I was ready to increase mileage and training - they definitely spent more time worrying about me than I did! I can't recommend Nina's (or Carla's) services highly enough.


I was receiving treatment from Six Physio for a suspected stress fracture of my shin bone, which I suffered during training three months before my first marathon (scheduled for May 2015). I was desperate to resume training with just nine weeks to go, as my participation was designed to raise awareness about my father's charity, but I was warned that I could not run until I had recovered properly from my injury. Six Physio put me in touch with Nina who worked a miracle. She devised a training programme for me to undertake in the gym before I resumed running in order to build up my fitness. Nina really pushed me to make best use of the rowing, bike and x trainer and to channel my frustration productively. Once I was ready to start running again, Nina put together an accelerated programme to get me ready for the race. It was quite intensive and I had my doubts about whether I could really prepare properly with just six weeks of running, but Nina provided a constant stream of encouragement as well as expert advice about a whole range of issues, including my diet. I almost could not believe it when I was able to line up for the race just seven weeks after starting to run again. I finished it in 4 hours, 9 minutes and 46 seconds. I was so happy to cross the finishing line. Quite simply, I would not have been able to start, let alone complete, the race if it had not been for Nina.


I decided to run the 2014 London Marathon, and having always kept quite fit and being a regular runner (of up to 5 miles) I felt this was a realistic goal. Everything was going fine until the end of January when I ran 10 miles and my knee began to hurt. I had a lot of physio and nothing seemed to be working to get me past about six miles. The physios were great but they couldn't give me an injury and marathon specific training plan which would get me through the marathon, so they recommended Nina and about 8 weeks prior to the race I got in touch. Nina gave me extremely detailed instructions, which I followed to the second as she gave me the confidence to totally trust in what she was telling me to do; that this would give me the best possible chance of doing the marathon. I'd speak to her/email/text most days and she would tailor the training plan based on the results of the previous day. I made it to 20 miles pain free two weeks prior to the marathon, and then completed the race on the day, which I can honestly say I wouldn't have been able to do without her - I am absolutely delighted!

Nina is flexible, motivating, and pleasant to work with - I can't recommend her enough.


Nina's personalised strength and conditioning workout has made a real improvement to my running and overall muscle tone and definition. Within a week, I started to feel a stronger push-off on my runs. And after a few months, my arms and abdominals have better definition, tone and strength. I was very impressed by her ability to plan a routine with exactly the right amount of weight to start - and also something to strive for. Nina is kind, supportive, and enthusiastic in her instruction. She also has a wealth of knowledge from which she can draw to tailor her advice to match your goals. I would highly recommend her!


Thanks Nina so much for all of your help, advice and most importantly your encouragement - there is simply no way I could have gone from a non-runner to conquering the London marathon (2014) without your help. Not only that, but I thoroughly enjoyed the journey of the training despite some of the injury set-backs. Having the goal of running the marathon is great, but you helped me divide it up into manageable blocks. It's also fair to say that I have quite a lot going on in my life and really would not have had the time without getting a personalised training plan, and even then the constant communication and encouragement was a support that I could not have done without. Thank you thank you for making a little dream come true.


I’ve been training with Nina for two and a half years and she has helped me develop from a middle of the pack road runner into a master track athlete. There have been numerous benefits to being coached by her. These include having a structured, disciplined approach to training, reaching my goals, technical feedback, mentoring and lastly access to Nina’s huge experience.

There are also 2 key reasons I work with her:-
1) My running with Nina has improved beyond recognition in form and power. Too many articles, runners and coaches concentrate on getting faster and that's all. With Nina as my running coach my style improved significantly. It's about getting the most efficient and economical form I can from every stride and I've achieved this with the drills and exercises Nina has given me. My power has come from the strength work I've done with her – this is an area Nina excels in.
2) I've learnt how to race. I'd never really thought about how I race before - you just run fast. Now I'm thinking about how to run every step, when should I accelerate, how do I run that bend, how I respond if a runner tries to overtake. The results are a more confident racer and faster times; a 31 second improvement in my 1500m time in one season. And it's not just on a track that I've applied these lessons - they work just as well on the road!


In Dec 2008 I had the Fukuoka marathon in Japan as my main target for the year as well as the optimistic target of running sub 2:30. I approached Nina in May 2008 after hearing some positive feedback from other athletes. Having made some decent progress with my running I was now at a stage were I was looking at improving my running style and further improve my strength and conditioning with the aim of developing better running economy and retaining my running form in the later stages of a race when fatigue kicks in. After several weeks of technical drill sessions with Nina there was a clear improvement in my running style with a noticeable improvement in both leg turnover and leg drive. Strength and conditioning was another area I was keen on improving as with the increase in mileage that I was planning on adopting for my marathon training I needed to give myself a better opportunity to hopefully avoiding injury along the way. The strength work Nina gave me was very well structured with a clear plan of what to and when, with regular feedback and review. As the body adopted so did the training plan with an increase in the weight I could lift and progression in the difficulty of the core exercises I undertook. As the months progressed and the marathon came closer I was finding that when I ran I felt stronger than I had in the past and the higher mileage wasn't proving to be causing any concern. Race day came and everything went to plan with the end result being an 8 minute improvement and a finishing time of 2:29. I firmly believe the work I did with Nina with her background in sport and her wealth of experience from competing herself at a high level, along with her strong knowledge on strength and conditioning training had a lot to do with me finding the extra improvements I needed in my running in order for me to achieve my marathon goal. Nina's ability to demonstrate each drill clearly and when needed break it down into a step by step basis enabled me to learn the various technical drill exercises quicker than I had expected or in the case of the strength work the correct technique to focused on the desired muscle group.


Nina's comprehensive strength/conditioning programme is proving invaluable in my training. It provides the essential background work that running training alone does not give. Her strict way of demonstrating or guiding you through a lift or drill, helps in ensuring you are learning it properly. Even through a past period of injury, Nina produced a tailor-made training schedule which helped me to maintain an excellent level of fitness and develop more stability in order to reduce the chance of the same injury re-occurring.


In under 2 years Nina has transformed my Triathlon racing completely. In fact I have recently broken into the sub 2:30 category for the first time ever - meaning that her training schedule resulted in an overall reduction of 20 minutes in a race. This is thanks to her fantastic knowledge of sports training - especially pinpointing areas of weakness and by implementing a varied week by week training schedule. She is constantly in touch and offers great motivation when times get tough. I could honestly not recommend her highly enough.


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